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Novian Technologies

The companies operating in the technologies area focus greatly on high-performance computing device clusters, also giving priority to open source cloud technologies, document digitization, data archiving, and the provision of continuous maintenance and support services which require high qualifications. Active in Lithuania and a variety of countries around the world, Novian Technologies focuses on new technological opportunities for business and the public sector. It strongly emphasizes smooth IT operations and the coordination of IT infrastructure with new technological opportunities. After finding out the client’s needs, the specialists start planning architecture and installing the needed technologies. After installation the company takes responsibility for the often very complicated maintenance and support of critical IT infrastructure. Besides to that, supercomputers stand out as an extremely promising area – one with significant growth of projects in recent times. Technologies don’t just pose challenges for businesses but also give them new opportunities. Novian’s technology companies are active in the areas of critical IT infrastructure services and modern digital workplaces. They also offer project management general contracting and other services. The companies operating in this business area are Novian Technologies (until the end of 2020 was known as BAIP) in Lithuania and its subsidiary Andmevara Services OU of Estonia with the Moldovan company Andmevara SRL. These technology companies are ready to join forces with Novian’s software service companies and create the right complex solutions both for companies and for the public sector.

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