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Lieliskas 6607 darba iespējas no 10 avotiem Meklējat darbiniekus? Publicēt vakanci

Analytic Company GmbH

Analytic Company GmbH is an innovative and international company. With our high level of expertise in the field of market price analysis for the automotive industry, we are one of the leading companies worldwide. Our KnowHow is the basis for the development of a unique and most transparent market price system we developed for the automotive industry. Our office is located in Hamburg in Northern Germany with a splendid view of the Elbe-River and the harbor. We offer good conditions and innovative Know-How to help you achieve your professional goals, especially if you enjoy the use of innovative market price analysis. You will have the chance to develop your career in one of the most important industries worldwide. Analytic Company GmbH delivers mathematical based modern technologies to the automotive industry to make market pricing extremely transparent.

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